Worlds' End is a collection of stories, illustrated by different artists, told within the framing narrative of a group of travellers swapping stories as they wait out a storm in the Worlds' End Inn.
The first issue starts the narration of Brant Tucker, which is illustrated by Bryan Talbot and Mark Buckingham, who illustrate the various sequences in the Inn. Brant is driving across the US with his colleague Charlene Mooney. He gets so tired he doesn't think it's odd when it starts snowing in June. A weird creature runs in front of the car, causing Brant to swerve off the road and hit a tree. He gets himself and Charlene out of the car and carries her to an olde-worlde-looking inn full of strange people sheltering from a reality storm outside. The unconscious Charlene is tended to by a centaur, Chiron, and Brant is given a drink and goes to sleep. When he wakes he is given food and joins the revived Charlene at a table where people are swapping stories. Mister Gaheris tells his story:
A Tale of Two Cities
Illustrated by Alec Stevens

Brant meets a corpse-looking man in the gents and in the tavern the fairy Cluracan offers to tell the next story:
Cluracan's Tale
Illustrated by John Watkiss

Cluracan is questioned about his story and gets annoyed when his sister is brought up. He suggests someone else tell a story.
The next story is told by a lad called Jim, who wants to know where they are. The landlady explains that the Worlds' End is its own place. An exterior veiw shows the Inn on a cliff surrounded by rocks. Jim was on a ship, and there shouldn't have been any land there, and the lad wonders whether it's all a dream or a hallucination. Brant says it's June 1993, but Jim says its September 1914. Jim is told to get on with the story:
Hob's Leviathan
Illustrated by Michael Zulli and Dick Giordano

There was an Indian King who loved his wife more than life itself, and when he obtained fruit that would bestow immortality he gave it to his wife. She gave the fruit to her lover, the Captain of the Guard, and he gave it to courtesan he was infatuated with. She wasn't sure of the fruit and wanted riches, so she went to the palace and offered it to the King. He had her rewarded, and ordered his wife and her lover killed without torture. Then he dressed in rags and left the city, eating the fruit as he went.

She ends her story by saying that he was the only person in all her travels who ever realised she wasn't a boy. She worries that she's getting too old to keep passing, and will have to take on a new life and a new name.
Brant describes his stay in the Inn, it was bigger than it first seemed and he listened to stories all night, which seemed longer than it should. As the storm raged outside the innkeeper showed him to a room upstairs and he slept for a time. Trying to get back downstairs he came upon an alcove filled with books, sitting in the middle was an Oriental man who isn't sheltering from the storm and asks him where he's from. Brant answers Seattle and the man asks which America, then asks him the order of recent presidents. He is not impressed with Brant's answer and tells the story of the person he follows:
The Golden Boy
Illustrated by Michael Allred

Prez met Death, who was interested in his situation but handed him over to 2 grim-faced angels, who represented not the Creator, but the guy who runs the local franchise. They took him to Boss Smiley, who was clean and bright on an enormous throne in the clouds. Prez said he never worked for Boss Smiley, but the big yellow face disagreed, and revealed that there are many worlds and Americas. Prez refused to stay and wanted to help the other Americas, Boss Smiley tried to stop him leaving but Morpheus appeared and said that as Prince of Stories Prez is under his jurisdiction. Morpheus sent Prez through a door that led to other worlds. Prez explained how he repaired his first clock, a pocket watch that belonged to his dead father. He gave it to Morpheus and went out across the worlds.
The Oriental man tells Brant that he seeks and follows Prez, spreading his word.
Brant eventually finds downstairs and the landlady tells him that the interior of the inn can be confusing. He sees Klaproth again. He joins Charlene's table, where there have been more stories, though Charlene looks alarmed when Brant asks if she's told a story. A young, pale man called Petrefax asks Klaproth if he is allowed to go next, Klaproth is his master and features in his story:
Illustrated by Shea Anton Pensa and Vince Lock

He tells of the land where they hang criminals and had trouble finding hangmen, especially in small communities. Billy Scutt was due to be hanged for body snatching, but was offered the chance prolong his life by working as hangman, so long as he was hanged before he died. He was a good hangman, but when he fell ill he told his wife that he wanted to die in his bed. When the Sheriff's men, hearing Billy was ill, came to hang him they found him standing and proclaiming his good health. After they left Billy's wife cut down the rope that had held him up and he was able to die in his own bed, and the town lost the right to have a hangman. He was Mig's grandfather.
Scroyle tells his story next:
He was sent to the Necropolis when he was eight, accompanying his father's body on a barge down the river. He had been pledged to the Necropolis in return for his father getting a grave there. As an apprentice he has learned funerary arts and skills from many lands, he has cared for clients according to their own beliefs and cultures, and he has done the things apprentices do. One day he saw a traveller, a rare sight in the Necropolis, who sat with him and observed that Litharge hadn't changed much since he was last there. Then the stranger told the story of the first Necropolis, before Litharge:
That Necropolis is no longer named and it went bad because they regarded what they did as a job and worked without care, love or respect. They disposed of bodies -not clients- and said no payers for the dead. The place decayed as no one cared for it. One day six strangers came to the city, their sister had died and they had come for the cerements and book of rituals. The Necropolitans laughed and called them mad because there was no body and no offering. The eldest raised his head in his grey cowl and declared their charter revoked. A great wind came down and the city died, swallowed by the earth or crumbled to dust. The village of Litharge was given a charter to be a Necropolis.
The traveller finished his tale and his food and left.
Petrefax asked if that is how Litharge was founded and Master Hermas said the histories go back over 80,000 years. Then Master Hermas told a story himself:
When he was a child he was 'prenticed to old Mistress Veltis, along with Petrefax's Master, Klaproth. She was very skilled at her worked, her skills all the more impressive because her right hand was withered. One night the boys were woken by a storm and Mistress Veltis came and told them old stories from her childhood and she told them her own story:

When Mistress Veltis was close to death Hermas and Klaproth escorted her to the catacombs and waited by the entrance for a day and night. When the old woman returned she died and they laid her out so that all Litharge could pay their respects, and no one commented that her right hand was whole again.
Petrefax was offered the chance to tell a story, but he didn't think he had one. He revealed that he wanted to do well as an apprentice and become a journeyman, but he also dreams of travelling lands beyond.
He says that now he's become a journeyman he has learned more, but is viciously interrupted by Klaproth, who warns him that he is saying too much to outsiders. Jim and Brant object, saying Petrefax should be able to tell them anything he wants. Brant reckons they're all dead anyway, but Klaproth points out that he knows death. Brant wants an explanation, the landlady says she has one.
Worlds' End
Illustrated by Bryan Talbot, Mark Buckingham, Dick Giordano, Steve Leialoha, Gary Amaro and Tony Harris

Back in the Inn the mood is sombre and the storm has passed. The landlady says everyone can leave. Cluracan, abruptly sober, must report to his Queen. Petrefax refuses to go with Klaproth and leaves with Chiron, to his Master's annoyance. Charlene says she won't leave, she'll stay and work at the inn. The landlady says she herself came there on a jounrey and stayed, as she speaks her shadow has extra arms. Charlene says goodbye and Brant leaves.
Brant is sitting in a bar, telling a barmaid that he found himself in Charlene's car in a McDonald's car park. The car was fine and all the papers were in his name. He can't find any trace of Charlene's existence and he never returned to Seattle. The barmaid asks if he imagined it. He often thinks that he did, but he remembers how he felt when he saw the funeral in the sky and knows it was real. The barmaid closes up, Brant thanks her for listening, then walks into the night.
In the introduction Stephen King points out that a lot of the stories are nested like Russian dolls. Stories are told within stories, within stories, and at the very end we discover that the whole thing is a story Brant is telling. There is one place in Cerements where we see a glimpse of possible circularity, among the old stories that Madame Veltis tells the boys Hermas and Klaproth is one "about a coach-full of prentices and a master, swept away from Litharge by dark magics, who took their refuge in the tavern, where the price of haven was a tale." This is clearly a description of the Worlds' End, in which Petrefax is sitting, recounting the tale of the time he heard Master Hermas tell of that story. Whether the story is about what happens to Klaproth, Petrefax and their companions that has reached back into the past, or whether it is from a similar event that happened long ago, doesn't really matter. It's the resonance that gives this throwaway reference it's power, just as happened with a lot of the dialogue in Brief Lives.
The theme of cities reappears. A Tale of Two Cities is eerie and it's suggestion of cities as entities that can dream and might one day wake is unsettling, in a similar way that A Dream of A Thousand Cats in Dream Country was unsettling. Cluracan's Tale featured Aurelia, which looks rather Roman when Cluracan remembers its glory days, and is shown to have decayed and become squalid over time. The man who should represent the spiritual and physical realms of the city is corrupt and it seems that Cluracan becomes an agent of what's best for the city itself, which luckily corresponds with his mission. Cerements tells us about the Necropolis Litharge (and its unnamed predecessor), a city entirely devoted to the dead and organised entirely around this principle. All the inhabitants are in the funerary profession, they wear the clothes of the dead, are fed on offerings, look rather like corpses and learn a huge variety of skills as part of the function of the Necropolis. Cities were also important in Fables and Reflections, with San Francisco, early Imperial Rome and medieval Baghdad all being important settings. Plus in A Game of You contemporary New York played an important role as the setting for most of the real world scenes, with opinions of the city and life there mentioned regularly.
There are lots of references to other things throughout Worlds' End, I doubt I spotted all of them. Chiron the centaur is a character from Ancient Greek myth. The landlady seems to be the Indian goddess Kali. One of tasks mentioned in Cerements is guarding clients to stop witches stealing their faces and tongues, an obvious reference to Thessaly's treatment of George in A Game of You.

Morpheus appears in most of these stories and those he doesn't appear in have other familiar characters. He is the pale, silent stranger Robert sees on the mysterious train.
Cluracan of course already knows Lord Shaper when he is rescued from the Aurelian dungeon, though Cluracan does not seem to explain his rescuer to his audience.
Hob's Leviathan features Morpheus's centuries-old friend Hob Gadling, as a wealthy ship owner who is having to move into another new life. Hob never appeared in Brief Lives, despite the focus on people and entities with long lives, but Hob is full of life and didn't really belong in that more morbid story arc. The Indian stowaway is clearly telling his own story when he mentions the King who ate the fruit of immortality, this is made clear when Hob says there aren't many people like them around.
Death appears in Golden Boy, she tells her brother about Prez's situation and Morpheus takes Prez from Boss Smiley and allows him to continue with his mission. Both Boss Smiley and Morpheus recognise Prez as a powerful narrative symbol, but where Boss Smiley wants to add Prez to his own glory, Morpheus allows Prez to continue his story.
In Cerements Scroyle's travelling stranger is Destruction. It isn't clear at what point in his journey Scroyle encounters him. He isn't accompanied by Barnabas and he carries a similar handkerchief-on-a-stick to the one he made for himself at the end of Brief Lives, suggesting it could be after that. However it's likely that this encounter happened years earlier, in Petrefax's timeline at least. Of course Jim and Brant's comparison of dates shows that people are there from different times, as well as different worlds. Destruction's story concerns events that happened after the death of the first Despair and shows that the Endless have their funerary rites too, which is backed up by the tale of what happened to Mistress Veltis as a girl.
The giant funerary procession in the sky features lots of familiar faces, probably more than I can identify/name, from across the span of the series. Destiny leads. A coffin is carried by pallbearers, one of whom looks like Desire. Despair walks among the mass of mourners. Delirium and then Death are in the rear. This, it seems, is the big event that caused that storm.
Charlene's anger at all the boys stories is great, because it's true and not only does her outburst acknowledge this, it points out why it's a problem. The women are pretty background figures and not people (though unlike Charlene I'm willing to give Jim a pass as I enjoy female cross-dressing stories). Sandman story arcs alternate genders. Most of the masculine books are about Morpheus and have his POV, so the story-gender isn't surprising. Worlds' End is the first masculine story that doesn't feature him, and so there's no reason most of the characters, narrators and POVs should be male. The fact that they are, and this is used to make a very valid point about literature in general, is brilliant. Sometimes it's hard to believe this was being written 20+ years ago, few current works seem this self-aware about gender representation. I also note that there are a lot of main female characters in the feminine story arcs. In fact there are a lot of ordinary, relateable female characters in Sandman, which I suspect may be part of the reason why I've never got into superhero comics so much.
As in earlier collections there are different artists illustrating different stories. In this case there's the framing narrative of the Inn, which means that different artists' work can appear on the same page, especially at the beginning and end of the stories.
All the inn scenes have black gutters, as does any scene from Brant's point of view, including the bar at the very end. Otherwise the only black gutters appear during Mig's story and parts of Master Hermas's story in Cerements.
The Tale of Two Cities story has very stylised art combined with its broad white gutters, it is a huge, airy contrast to the dark gutters earlier in that issue. The words are in the white spaces, there are no speech balloons or dialogue boxes. The pictures and the words seem more separate than is usual in comics, informing each other without actually sharing the same spaces on the page. The pictures are mostly small, showing fragments and glimpses of the action. Growing larger only to emphasise a character in an important moment.

Cluracan's Tale has more stylised art, contrasting to the inn scenes, but in a very different way to the story that preceded it. It makes bold use of colour and is set out in a more traditional page layout. Cluracan is probably the most changed character, looking entirely different (and more human) within his story than in the inn scenes, in most other cases the different artists seem to have agreed on the look of characters. Of course Cluracan is a fairy and therefore is changeable. Compare the long-haired, pointy-eared blond here with the short-haired, round eared brunette up the page
Hob's Levithan is drawn in a very naturalistic style, which makes the inn scenes look a little cartoonish by comparison, though the inn sections appear more naturalistic than both Cluracan's Tale and A Tale of Two Cities. This fits with Jim's real life, historical story and makes the overblown supernatural element all the more ridiculous.
Golden Boy is very bright and clean cut, much like it's protagonist.
Cerements has a looser art style, but the characters that reappear at different ages are recognisable and those that appear in the story and the inn are drawn to look the same though by different artists. Compare the picture of Petrefax just above with the one further up the page.
Worlds' End is drawn by several artists. The regular inn scenes continue to be Bryan Talbot's expressive and realistic (if not naturalistic) art. The procession in the sky and the final two pages are darker and more moody, with the last panel only picking out the highlights against a black background.
Foreshadowing is underneath the cut as ever and includs me speculating on timelines, and possibly over thinking it.
Next: The Kindly Ones*
Last week: Brief Lives
* As the Kindly Ones is the biggest collection, over twice the size of most of the others, I may take longer to read, write up and post about it.
Foreshadowing (and aftshadowing?)
For the purpose of this section where I say 'current' I am referring to the time between Brief Lives and The Kindly Ones. The people in the Inn are all coming from different times with history and the wider story arc, so although this collection is between, the characters are mostly from elsewhen.
In a Tale of Two Cities Robert gets on a black train and sees Morpheus, this is probably the sleek, black train that Morpheus uses to return to the Dreaming in the later part of The Kindly Ones.
Mister Gaheris met Robert some years after these events, and it isn't clear how long it was between him hearing and recounting the tale, though based on his appearance it might not have been that long. This would suggest Mister Gaheris is coming from a time ahead of what is current to the series.
Nuala asks Cluracan to come and visit her in the Dreaming, and clearly has been asking for a while. He will go and visit her at the start of The Kindly Ones, but only after reporting what he has seen to Queen Titania and being sent. Despite his independent and unconcerned attitude Cluracan is his mistress's servant.
I think Cluracan is fairly current. His adventure in Aurelia could have taken place place before or after Brief Lives, but I suspect after. Here Morpheus describes Nuala as faithful, and it's at the end of the preceding collection that we see him praise her work. Despite being incredibly drunk Cluracan is sobered and concerned by what he sees in the sky, which is no surprise as an image of Titania appears in the funeral procession.
We know Jim is from 1914, and her story probably took place somewhere between 1912-14.
The Golden Boy could have taken place at any time, it's an alternate history story based on a world very similar to our own. It looks like it's set mostly in the 70s and 80s, which is interesting as (in our timeline) Morpheus was imprisoned then.
As mentioned earlier Cerements has the most nested stories. Petrefax's story seems to take place at least a year earlier, possibly a few years before, when he was an apprentice. Mig and Scroyle were also apprentices then, but further along in their education, so probably older than Petrefax. Scroyle's story featuring Destruction seems to have been reasonably recent to the telling, he didn't look much younger in the story. Master Hermas tells of a time when he was a boy, so that has to be a few decades past at least (assuming the Necropolitans are human and/or have similar lifespans to humans). Mistress Veltis is described as being very old back then, meaning the events of her own childhood story could be a century or so back. The stories that were old when she was a girl could be two or more centuries old, including the one about the necropolitans stuck telling stories in an inn. It could be a story about an earlier reality storm under similar circumstances. Possibly even what happened when Despair was killed, though it sounds as though that event took place over 80,000 years previously and the changing of the necropolis charter suggests the histories of the previous necropolis were erased.
I like the idea that the story is in fact an account of the same night that we are witnessing as current in Worlds' End. This could mean that Petrefax is from over a century (perhaps centuries) in the future, and the tale was carried to Litharge another way. Or perhaps it was carried by someone who heard the story there but came from a much earlier time. As the Inn seems to exist outside normal time it's hard to tell. Either way I like the idea that the story is being told as layers of remembrance long before anyone in it has been born. The changes in the details (dark magic as opposed to a reality storm) sound like a story having its rough edges smoothed off and interesting ideas added on over numerous retellings down the years. This would mean that when young Klaproth is told the story one stormy night, and when Petrefax hears it decades later at the air burial, it is in fact a description of their future.
Worlds' End shows us the funeral procession of Morpheus, depicting events from The Wake. Of course it doesn't look exactly the same as the funeral in that collection (art styles massively different for a start) but the blue rose on top of the coffin is a telling detail.
The final two pages show that the whole story within the Inn is being told by Brant. It's not clear how much later this is happening, long enough for him to have grown a ponytail, so a good few months at least. I've heard theories that the barmaid he's talking to is Thessaly. I can see a similarity, but never thought it was her on my earlier readings, she didn't seem to have the same manner as Thessaly. Looking again I see that the barmaid has a pendant that looks like the one Thessaly gave Nuala before the events of Brief Lives. It's not an uncommon type of pendant and could mean nothing, or could be a red herring.
If it is the same pendant then that would suggest that Brant is telling the story before the events of Brief Lives, before Morpheus and Thessaly get together even. Alternatively it could be a different pendant, but still one owned by Thessaly, meaning that Brant could be telling the story after the events of The Kindly Ones or after the main story arc. Personally I didn't get the sense that Thessaly knew what was coming during the events of The Kindly Ones, and the bar maid's emotions and reactions show no hint that she has any greater understanding of what Brant is telling her. She says that she doesn't think Brant is crazy, but she also says that she perhaps she ought to, which really doesn't seem like something Thessaly would say. Of course that's just my take on it.
Very nice post.This post is very useful for me in future.
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