31 December 2014

New Year

I'm lucky that 2014 has been a mostly positive year. I could definitely have done more, though I think that every year.

My new job at a university
Being on the Skiffy and Fanty Show at World Con
FantasyCon - which included my 5th Wedding Anniversary and my first time on a panel

I haven't planned much in 2015 yet. When it comes to cons I'll be going to FantasyCon in October. I expect I'll go to Edge Lit too, and possibly part of Nine Worlds in August (seriously everyone who goes to that con raves about it) depending on work. I feel like I should go to cons a bit more (which would help with my first resolution below), but I'll have to see. I also think I should go to more stuff happening on campus, there's always plenty going on and I might as well take advantage of that.

  • Friends - Spend more time with friends by inviting people over more, and hopefully seeing friends from out of town more. I've been asked to restart the board game nights we hosted early in 2014, so that'll be a start.
  • Swimming - I'll aim to go swimming at least once a week, it's the only exercise I get. I've been trying to do that since I started working at the university (which has a pool on campus), but I've been a bit hit and miss.
  • Writing - As ever I need to do more. I want to rewrite my novel draft in the first part of the year. I get easily distracted at home, so I'm going write at work each day. The campus has dozens (maybe hundreds) of places I can sit and write, so it'll be good for writing and seeing more of the university
  • Teeth - I have a lot of cavities, and I need to spend more time and care looking after my teeth. It's that or reduce snacking, and while I will look into eating better I can't reduce the frequency of snacking because I wouldn't be able to function. I only do the minimum when it comes to beauty, but though it's often presented as an appearance thing, really looking after your teeth is a health issue, so I need to adjust my thinking there.
  • Mindfulness - I think that's the right word. There are times when I have difficulty focusing on things, when unwanted thoughts seem to flood my mind and get in the way. I want to get better at shutting them out and being able to focus on the present.
It's probably a sign of what I need to improve that most of my resolutions involve building a routine and managing my time better.

I know various friends have had a difficult time in 2014, I really hope 2015 sees things improve for you guys.

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